First FO of 2019 / Branches and Buds

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I finished my first project of 2019 — Branches and Buds Pullover! 😍

I must admit — I’ve been knitting for many years now but I only know just a handful of techniques. 😓 I always chose easy patterns that incorporated only the techniques that I was already comfortable with.  This should explain why I knit the same pattern over and over again.

I’ve been trying to make conscious efforts to tackle the “scary” knitting lately because I’m tired of being the “adventurous beginner” and want to move into an “intermediate” and even a “rock star” bracket. ✊

The Branches and Buds Pullover was a perfect way to be introduced to colorwork.  It gave me a good practice to hold two strands of yarn and knit from them without pulling my hair out.

今年初のセーターが編み上がりました。パターンは「Branches and Buds Pullover(枝とつぼみ)」です。


いつも簡単なパターンを選んでは、それを何枚も色違いで編んで … を繰り返す。だから全然上達もしないし、クローゼットは同じセーターでいっぱいな状態で。気に入ったパターンがあっても、「どうせ私はこんなの編めないし 😢」って勝手に自分で自分の限界を作っちゃってました。


この「Branches and Buds Pullover(枝とつぼみ)」もデザインが気に入ったのは勿論ですが、カラーワークを編んでみたくて選んだパターンでした。



I’m satisfied with the pattern but as far as the yarn in concerned … well, I’m not the biggest fan of KnitPicks’ Wool of the Andes.  They’re not bad by any mean but they’re also not the best (they pill so much so fast).  If I were to knit it again, I may reach for more luxurious yarn like Blue Sky Fibers’ Woolstok.

パターンは満点でしたが、毛糸はと言うと … う〜ん、どうだろう。😅 色はもう大のお気に入りなんですが(「Mist 」を使用)、毛糸自体は「悪くはないけど特別に優れている訳でもない」ってところでしょうか。KnitPicks のWool of the Andes は値段につられて買ってしまったので、次に編む時はお気に入りの Blue Sky Fibers のWoolstock で編みたいです。


Pattern: Branches and Buds Pullover
Designer: Carrie Bostick Hoge
Yarns: KnitPicks Wool of the Andes (used 11 skeins) / Blue Sky Fibers Woolstok
Colorway: Mist / Highland Fleece

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My Make Nine 2019

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I’m not one to make New Year resolutions (it’s too unrealistic to assume that I’ll be able to perform the things I couldn’t or wouldn’t do just a day ago) but I do like planning things for the future so I can have a good roadmap to refer to throughout the year.

I like the idea of Jem Wetson’s Make Nine, where we list nine items that we wish to knit in a year. After looking at my Ravelry queues, libraries and other knitters for inspiration, I came up with my nine.

I probably won’t complete all nine garments here. I’ll be lucky if I can finish four or five. I guess this is more like my knitting “wish list” with projects I would love to (eventually) have in my wardrobe, as opposed to “must haves” where I have to pressure myself to finish in the next 360-some days.

「今年の目標」みたいなのは決めないんですが(←チャレンジ精神ゼロの筋金入りへたれです 😓)、この一年間どんな服を編もうかな〜と考えるのは好きなので、2019年に編みたいパターンを集めてみました。でもこの全てを編むのが目標ではなく、この中から好きなのをゆっくりと編んでいく予定です。年内に4、5枚編めれば万々歳です。

Branches and Buds Pullover : Carrie Bostick Hoge

Maybe I’m cheating a bit by including this pattern in my Make Nine since I’m almost done knitting it  … but hey, why not give myself a head start. 😅  I’ve always wanted to dip my hands in colorwork and I thought this would be the perfect pattern for it. Now that I’ve knit this, I can confidently say that this is an amazing pattern.

もう既に編み終わり状態なので、このセータを2019の Make Nine に入れるか迷いましたが、まあ完成するのは今年だしと … 言う理由で入れちゃいました。😅 初めてのカラーワークにこのパターンを選んでよかったって思えるほど気に入ってます。


Agatha : Andi Satterlund

I love this cardigan.  Its vintage-inspired cropped silhouette reminds me of something you find at one of my favorite online retail shops Modcloth. I’m a bit intimidated by the intricate lace detail but it’s comforting to know that Andi Satterlund’s patterns are always well written and easy to follow.

最近ビンテージのスタイルに興味を持ち始めたので、このカーデガンを編んでみたくなりました。大好きなネットショップ「Modcloth」で売ってそうな一枚 💓。レース柄にちょっと圧倒されていますが、Andi Satterlund のパターンはとてもわかりやすく書かれているので頑張れる気がします。✊


Larimar : Isabell Kraemer

This was love at first sight. 😍 This sweater embodies everything I love in a garment — low neckline, fitted waist, and just the ease of it all.  It reminds of a pullover I had many years ago (I think it was from Banana Republic) and LOVED.  I wore it almost every day until I had to retire it because it was all worn out.  I can’t wait to knit it and wear it!

このパターンを見つけた瞬間、ピピっと来ました。正に一目惚れです。😍 ちょっと深めのネックライン、頑張り過ぎないゆったり感、全てがツボです。数年前に大好きで毎日の様に着ていたセーターを思い出させてくれる一枚なので、早く編んで着たいです〜!


Winterfell Cardigan : Katrin Schneider

I knew I had to cast this cardigan on the moment I saw it on La Bien Aimee‘s Instragram post. It’s simple and absolutely breathtaking.  I haven’t knit one yet and I can already see myself knitting more.

憧れのパリの毛糸ショップ「La Bien Aimee」のインスタで見た時から気になっていたカーデガン。シンプルでエレガントなデザインに魅了されました。まだ編み始めてもいないのに、「違う色で何枚も編んでみたいな〜」なんて考えちゃってます。気が早過ぎですよね。😅


Zweig : Caitilin Hunter

I know everyone and their mother have knit this pullover but I couldn’t resist adding this to my Top Nine myself.  I’m even thinking about omitting the color change and just knit with one color.

もう既に編み物のコミュニティでは大人気の Zweig、私も編みたくて編みたくて。思い切って一色で編んでみようかな、なんても考えてます。


No Frills Sweater : PetiteKnit

I purchased this pattern a few months ago but held off on casting it on because the pattern assumed that I already know a few techniques that I didn’t.  I got discouraged but maybe I can be brave and tackle it this year.

実はこのセーター、去年編み始めようとしたんですがパターンが分かりにくくてやめちゃったんです。😩 でもシンプルな形が素敵なので再チャレンジしてみようかなと思ってます。


Tegna : Caitlin Hunter

This will be a great addition to my spring / early summer wardrobe.



Blaster : Andi Satterlund

I knit this already once but the fit wasn’t right.  It somehow came out way too big, even after getting gauge. Maybe I can knit a size smaller this time and do the waist shaping which I omitted last time.

去年これを編んだ時は思いっきり失敗してしまいました。ちゃんとゲージを編んだのにも関わらず、めちゃ大きく 編みあがっちゃって 😱。(失敗作はダボダボなセーターが好きな母に貰ってもらいました。)今回は一サイズ小さいのを編んでみようと思います。


Featherweight Cardigan : Hannah Fettig

I already have … like … umm … four Featherweight cardigans but I just have to have more.  I have to admit that the fit of the cardigan is not perfect (it doesn’t stay on my shoulders all that well) but I just love

これもリピートです。Featherweight Cardigan 既に4枚持ってます。😅 得に素晴らしいフィットでもないんですが、簡単にサクサク編める普段着には最適なカーデガンです。


にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 編み物(個人)へ

Happy 2019!

Happy New Year!

This is what our holiday season looked like, summed up in a five minute video.

One thing I noticed while editing the video is that my daughter sure loves her Hello Kitty hoodie. I think she wore it every day for the entire month!

I wish you and your love ones a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019.


私達の12月はこんな感じでした。今年も健康で、周囲に流されず、 ゆっくりと幸せな毎日を過ごせたらなと思っています。


にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 編み物(個人)へ

NYE Osechi Prep


Our New Year’s Eve was spent doing what we do every NYE – help Kevin’s parents with Osechi making. Well, I say “making” but I don’t do any of the cooking, of course. Kevin’s parents do all the cooking, which can take up to a week to prepare, and Kevin, my sister in law and I go and help pack all the little dishes into a box called “ojyu” (お重) on the day they are either picked up or delivered.

Osechi is a traditional Japanese food that’s enjoyed on the first of the year, and they make about 10 to 15 boxes every year for their friends.

Even this process takes about six hours. It’s pretty hard core.





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Afterward, we headed over to our friends’ house for another great yearly ritual — our ghetto fabulous KFC celebration dinner!  This time, Popeyes chicken joined in the fun for a taste test.

The verdict:  KFC all the way.

御節の後は友達の家でこれまた毎年恒例のケンタッキーディナー。今回は食べ比べで「ポパイス (Popeyes)」のチキンも参加。勝者は圧倒でケンタでした。



にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 編み物(個人)へ

New Year’s Eve Eve with Maya


My BFF came down from PDX to spend the New Year’s Eve Eve with me and the family. Here’s Maya, with the Pebble Beach Shawl I knit for her. I love knitting but I seldom wear my own creations so it’s nice to have someone who loves and appreciates your hand knits as much as I enjoy knitting them.

We spent short but sweet time doing what we do best together – eat and veg out. We had lunch at Kevin’s friend’s seafood market / restaurant and finished the night with some Japanese BBQ in Little Tokyo. It’s difficult to have someone you love so much live so far away, but that allows us to cherish every moment we have together.

30日に親友のマヤが遊びに来てくれました。一日しか一緒にいれなかったけど、充実した一日を過ごせました。上の写真はプレゼントした「Pebble Beach Shawl」を首に巻いて。特に彼女の住むポートランドは寒いので、喜んでくれました。










にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 編み物(個人)へ

Branches and Buds Pullover


I hope you had a wonderful holiday. I can’t believe we’re mere days away from welcoming the New Year!

I recently began knitting Branches and Buds Pullover, a beautiful pattern by Carrie Bostick Hoge. It’s a hugely popular design and I’ve had my eyes on it since Sandy from By the Lakeside showed off hers as her Rhinebeck sweater last year.

I’m so in love with the simplicity of the pattern. I’m using KnitPicks’ Wool of the Andes Worsted in the Mist colorway (you can’t beat $2.79 price tag per 50g ball).

I have to go and start the end-of-year cleanup but I just can’t put this sweater down!


最近購入した毛糸で、人生初のカラーワークのセーターを編み始めました。毛糸は Knit Picks の Wool of the Andes で、色は Mist です。50グラムの毛玉で $2.79 とかなり嬉しい価格です。

パターンは「Branches and Buds Pullover (枝とつぼみ)」、ずっと前から編みたいなと思っていたセーターの一つです。数々の素敵なカラーワークがある中、このすっきりしたデザインに惹かれました。




にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 編み物(個人)へ

Homecoming : Pebble Beach Shawl


Hello! Guess who’s back in the blogosphere!

I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to return to the blog but after being away from it for an entire year, I realized how much I’ve missed this space!

I have so much to catch up on here. I’ve been knitting pretty prolifically the last several years – knitting at every opportunity I get. It helps that I have a few minutes here and there throughout the day to knit while I wait for my daughter — now five going on six — before pickup, or while waiting for the pasta to cook. It’s amazing how a seemingly innocent chunk of time can eventually add up to a cozy cardigan, a lace hat, or an intricate shawl like this one.


Here’s a shawl I recently knit while waiting for my daughter to come out of her school. It’s Pebble Beach Shawl by Helen Stewart. It’s a beautifully written pattern and so easy to follow.  I loved it so much I’ve already knit a few more which I will share later!

I’m not sure how frequently I will be on this platform but I’m SO happy to be back.


インスタの方に興味が湧いてしまいこのブログを 一年も放置した状態になっていましたが、久しぶりに戻ってくる事にしました。




これは最近「隙間時間」に編んだ「ペブルビーチ ショール」です。とってもわかりやすくシンプルで、病み付きになるパターンです。


にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 編み物(個人)へ

Happy New Year!

img_0866Happy New Year, everyone!

I’m incredibly grateful that I was able to cross over to the new year when so many people weren’t as fortunate.

My ultimate goal for 2017 is to start 2018 as a “healthier” version of myself — physical, mental, emotional, financial and everything in between. What are your goals?

I hope this new year brings you and your love ones health, happiness and prosperity.  Thank you so much for visiting this little humble blog, and I look forward to sharing thoughts and ideas with you!


Theatre Sunday

Kevin and I got away for a few hours to enjoy the theatre over the weekend. We went to watch the matinee showing of Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder at Ahmanson Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles.  I can totally see how this show won the 2014 Tony Award for the Best Musical — it’s dark but painfully hilarious, and if you’re a fan of Book of Mormon and other shows that’s not afraid to, you know, “go” there, you’ll probably enjoy this one too.

Before the show, we stopped at Pinot Grill, a restaurant that sits just outside Ahmanson, for a quick bite.  Kevin had the soup of the day (potato and celery soup which was delicious), along with quiche and I had a good old burger.


We love the threatre and although LA is not the West End or the Broadway, we are thankful that a good show like this one eventually makes its way to the West Coast.  We are limited to what we can watch (I wish I can just to go the Theatre District and watch something new ever night) but this will definitely do.

Eau Rose

I recently started blogging using my iPhone, which brings a fair share of its pros and cons. The obvious pro is that I get to post things more frequently because of its convenience. The con, however, is that each post is shorter and somehow lacking substance.  I’m not a big fan of lengthy blog posts anyway but it’s still nice to be able to provide useful content to the beloved readers, like a recipe or a tutorial, which is a little difficult to do (at least for me) when I’m writing something during, say, a quick coffee break.

Anyway, I’m just rambling here.  I don’t have anything interesting to say at the moment, except to share my excitement over this rose-scented fragrance by Diptyque that I purchased the other day.

I actually only knew Diptype from the amazing candle collections but I came across its perfumes during my recent trip to Nordstrom. When I first sprayed Eau Rose on my wrist, I didn’t think much of it. But when I smelled it again on my drive home, I noticed how beautiful the scent transformed itself into — from a simple rose to a youthful, yet still sophisticated mixture of rose and lychee, with a little hint of musk. It was love at, well, second sight.

The minute I got home, I ordered the perfume, along with Hand Emulsion.

I still have my signature scent and this will not replace it, but it’s something I’ll be wearing when I’m feeling a bit playful during the upcoming summer months!

I’m curious to know — what’s your favorite scent?